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Your people will walk away inspired by stories from Arctic adventures, about polar bears, storms and near death experiences, with a deeper understanding of how to become more resilient, work as a cohesive team and overcome setbacks. The takeaways are immediately actionable for your people and your business.
Mark has coined the framework JESS, based on the latest psychological research and his own experiences, to create happy and resilience staff. By focusing on Journey, Experience, Shared Experience and Sitting With Discomfort (JESS) anything is possible. A conference keynote speaker like no other.
Your audience will reap the rewards of Mark's astounding career as an world record setting adventurer, as he grips your people and delivers lessons in the psychology of resilience and teamwork.
Signature Talks:
To thrive in adversity, the key is to let go of the outcome. Mark stopped chasing world records, found his inner polar bear and achieved one of the greatest expeditions of our time.
Themes: Resilience, bouncing back from setbacks, sitting with discomfort, keynote speaker
Mark and his teammates met for the first time just four days before going to the Arctic and achieving one of the most historic feats of our time. In adventure, you depend on each other or you die - learn how to create the ultimate culture of resilience and teamwork.
Themes: Resilience, team cohesion, leadership
A awe inspiring tale of 103 days through the Arctic's Northwest Passage, on a journey that made history
Themes: Entertainment, inspiring, resilience
Mark Agnew - Keynote Speaker